At least -- not anymore. Marc Zuckerberg (founder, CEO and supreme ruler of Facebook) is calling off the hounds.
Terms of Use Update: Over the past few days, we have received a lot of feedback about the new terms we posted two weeks ago. Because of this response, we have decided to return to our previous Terms of Use while we resolve the issues that people have raised. For more information, visit the Facebook Blog.If you want to share your thoughts on what should be in the new terms, check out our group Facebook Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.
He changed the site's "terms of use" agreement last night. This undid a legal change, implying that once on Facebook - everything you put on - was theirs.
Pictures, posts, comments and thoughts. Facebook would own it (and you) and there was nothing you could do about it.
Pubic outcry (aka - people bitching and moaning) made the head hanchos rethink this decision. If only banks and the government worked this quickly when people bitched.
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