Friday, February 20, 2009

Apparently gold medals make you untouchable...

Well isn't that special.

Michael Phelps is getting another pass and this times its not from "puff, puff, pass."

The president of the International Olympics Committee say he needs "a second chance." That's just great. Isn't this the same group that yanks gold medals for even a hint of drugs?

Suddenly its the Golden Boy of the Summer Olympics and is okay?

That's bull... just bull!

Rogge says the American swimmer should receive the benefit of the doubt after his apology and promise not to repeat his mistake.

Luckily - the U.S. swimming federation has some common sense and suspended his butt for three months and Kellogg's dropped him as well.

Past Posts:
- Phelps gets pass on pot
- Oops, he did it again
- Phelps is pothead, 8 others charged

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Best sports in Charlotte?

The Charlotte Observer put out its list of the top five Charlotte sportscasters of all time.

Strangely - only one is currently doing the sports in Charlotte still.

5. Mike Solarte, News 14: The best thing going right now. Solarte does a 30-minute sports show almost daily -- and effectively -- like an N.C. “SportsCenter.”

4. Chuck Howard, WCNC: Came in from Buffalo and was a local whiz kid. He was polished and knowledgeable and broke a lot of news. He was major network good.

3. Jim Thacker, WBTV: I remember him as much for calling ACC basketball with Billy Packer as I do the local sports, but he was awful good at both.

2. Paul Cameron, WBTV: Fair and balanced, Cameron came across like your favorite uncle. His “Football Friday Night” high school show is one of the best local TV creations of all time.

1. Harold Johnson, WSOC: He was once as a big a celebrity locally as many of the people he interviewed. His “Big Guy” persona was ESPN before there was ESPN.

Solarte is still on 14, Howard is now on the SPEED Channel, Cameron is now a newscaster for the late news on WBTV.

I don't mean any disrespect to the guys on the list, but really?

I have to say, Delano Little should be on this list without a doubt. Almost everyone in the area under the age of 30 grew up with Delano hosting Football Friday Night. When I think sports, I think Delano.

What do you guys think? Anyone missing from the list?

Panthers prowl for Gross; tag Peppers

The Carolina Panthers have placed the franchise tag on defensive end Julius Peppers... so get ready for some fireworks y'all!

Pep has made it painfully clear that he doesn't want to play with the Panthers anymore and today was the last day for franchise tagging.

Right before the tag, the Cats signed tackle Jordan Gross on a six-year deal. That freed by the restrictive tag for Pep. We all know what this means -- he's going to request a trade.

If he stays -- the Panthers will have to pay him nearly $17 million. If he goes, the Cats get at least two first-round picks. Unfortunately for the big wigs, Pep still has the power because no team would likely trade for him without a long-term contract agreement first.

Gross will get $30.5 million over the first three years of the contract. That's the biggest first three-year payout to an offensive lineman in NFL history. Go Gross!

Speaking of go... peace out Pep! Lets hope something grateful will blow our way.

Past Posts:
- Who's more valuable?
- Oops, He did it again
- Jerry gets new heart, Pep breaks them

Thank God its ALMOST Friday

Yup, the weekend is almost here.  Thank Goodness.
It's been a long week, and I think you know what I'm talking about.  So, I hope everyone has a good Thursday and manages NOT to get fired (I know that's my goal today).
PS - This post was pretty much pointless.  In the fairness of being open and honest -- I was just testing how to send a blog from my email!
I still hope you have a great day.  : )

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Keepa my sanity

I Keepa away from the IKEA. At least for a while.

Everyone is freaking out about the new IKEA, I'm not going anywhere near it until things settle down.

I haven't seen people freaking out about a new store like this in a LONG time. It's like when the Wii first came out - crazy.

There's just something wrong about all that cheap furniture in one place. Feels like a ticking time bomb.

If you go, have fun. Pack a lunch, I hear its crowded.

Live, Local, Latebreaking and Laughs

Oh Channel 9.

I love how your staff apparently has nothing to do.

That's not a jab, I love this video. If they were out doing real work, then we wouldn't have this Ron Burgandy-ish video to watch and chuckle at.

(Click to watch)

I don't know what Chaz and Ted do in real life (aka - what they are supposed to be getting paid for), but I'm glad they took this time out to spoof a bad newscast.

Lord knows Charlotte as seen it's fair share (from all of the stations).

Thank you Chaz and Ted, it's been an excellent adventure.

Facebook: 'We OWN you'

Nah, not really.

At least -- not anymore. Marc Zuckerberg (founder, CEO and supreme ruler of Facebook) is calling off the hounds.

Terms of Use Update: Over the past few days, we have received a lot of feedback about the new terms we posted two weeks ago. Because of this response, we have decided to return to our previous Terms of Use while we resolve the issues that people have raised. For more information, visit the Facebook Blog.
If you want to share your thoughts on what should be in the new terms, check out our group Facebook Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

He changed the site's "terms of use" agreement last night. This undid a legal change, implying that once on Facebook - everything you put on - was theirs.

Pictures, posts, comments and thoughts. Facebook would own it (and you) and there was nothing you could do about it.

Pubic outcry (aka - people bitching and moaning) made the head hanchos rethink this decision. If only banks and the government worked this quickly when people bitched.

Who's more valuable?

I was trolling local websites today and I noticed something on WBTV.

The sports department is playing a little game called "Who's More Valuable?" Last night, sports anchor Danielle Trotta talked about the franchise tag deadline and the Jordan Gross/Julius Peppers problem.

(Click to watch)

Gross has publicly said he wants to stay with the team, and the Panthers WANT him to stay. We need him on the O-line.

Pep on the other hand, has said multiple times in public that he wants nothing to do with the Panthers. I've blogged about this before, and I've made my opinions very clear... let Pep go.

Put the franchise tag on Pep and trade him away for something good, and give Gross a nice contract.

Granted, the team is in the middle of layoffs and two players are talking millions of dollars. Kind of a sick irony. I don't hear anyone on the Panthers team talking about taking a cut to keep staffers. I'm sure its from different budgets - at least, I hope it is.

So... Peace out Pep and stick around Gross. Yes, that IS my final answer.

Past Posts:
- Oops, He did it again
- Jerry gets new heart, Pep breaks them

"I'm Sorry"... that you suck

Guess what? He's sorry. Isn't that great.

Love means never having to say you're sorry, but for Chris Brown, it means having to say you're sorry over and over again.

Well... too bad for him - Rihanna is reportedly not happy about his half-assed apology.

"Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. Much of what has been speculated or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong"

How can she be mad about that? It's so heart-felt and heart-warming. [/sarcasm]

I don't know, and you don't know, exactly what happened that night, but I think it's just time for her to say "Peace Out, Mutha F.."

Past Posts:
- Double your pleasure, double the pain?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Caught on tape: Airport freakout

We've all been there before.

You either missed your flight, or almost missed your flight. Sometimes its your own fault, sometimes its because some idiot doesn't know how to fly, drive, or said the word "bomb."

But this lady -- I've never seen anything quite like this.

In America... she would have been tasered and strip searched.

It's all in the "Family": Christian Bale tirade spoof

Thank you Family Guy.

You managed to take Christian Bale's on-set outburst, and make it even funnier.

Suck on that Batman!

Penis... err... peanuts

Poor Zain Verjee. The CNN reporter had major trouble with a news story about peanuts, and became a dirty, dirty whore in the process.

Not that it's her fault. I mean, "peanuts" and "penis", do KINDA sound alike. I just didn't know we were getting stats on which state was the largest producer of penises.

Here's the normal version...

And now for the remix...

Poor Zain - first you get hit by the tear gas canister and now this.

Live tv can be painful...

Obama signs stimulus bill; CA in trouble

It's official - $787 billion is headed into projects/states.

President Barack Obama signed the bill about 40 minutes ago.

The money, earmarked for a LOT of projects, so I guess we'll see how it works. It's not expected to show that "immediate" affect, but lets hope it doesn't take TOO long.

Until then, I'm gonna be nicer (at work, that is) and a harder worker. Need to make sure I keep that sweet job.


Big problems in California. The Governator and crew is facing a 20,000 job layoff. The state is expecting to start the massive layoffs of government workers soon and halt all public works projects.


So because lawmakers want to bitch and moan about the state budget, thousands are going to lose jobs, in addition to all the construction jobs that will be lost as well.

Might be better for everyone in the state if that big earthquake would just make it an island already.

Past Posts:
- Stimulate my economy!

Davidson Wildcats missing a kitty, still a winning team?

It was something no one wanted to see -- except maybe every basketball player in the nation, and a couple freaks with twisted senses of humor.

Davidson Wildcats' star player, Stephen Curry, with a severe ankle injury during Saturday night's game.

Click pic to see the ankle twist

I saw the video on WBTV over the weekend, looks nasty.

Luckily, Curry is apparently "day by day" with nothing broken. Hopefully he'll get back in the game soon.

So what happens to the rest of the Wildcats with the head kitten on the bench?

Personally, I think the team won't suffer too much. Granted, Curry is an excellent player, but the rest of the team is top notch - they have a great program. I'm sure all they need is Curry on the sidelines, cheering on the rest of them.

He's been a great sport about his fame, always touting the rest of the team. Now is their chance to prove Davidson isn't a one horse school.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The best... and the worst

If something is happening on Capitol Hill, you can always count on C-SPAN to cover it. And when there's not anything... C-SPAN gets bored.

So... they make lists.

This one isn't so bad though, the Best and Worst Presidents.

Let's take a look the Top Ten.

Lincoln's number one - do you agree?

Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Roosevelt and Truman have ranked the top five for a while. Not a bad group.

Now for the worst...

Congrats Bush, Junior - you made the list!

For the breakdown...Bush scored:

  • 41st in international relations
  • 40th in economic management
  • 25th in crisis leadership
  • 25th in vision and agenda setting
His highest ranking, 24th, was in the category of pursuing equal justice for all.

So how did other recent Prezes do?

Bill Clinton came 15th... George H.W. Bush came in 18th and Jimmy Carter fell to 25th.

Personally, I think Clinton and Carter should be higher. Read my lips!

Who is the baby's daddy?

So now... the 15 year old girl has four people who MIGHT be the baby's daddy.

We all thought the 13 year old that looked nine was the baby's dad, but now three other guys have come forward saying they might be the dad.

Apparently this girl gets around (allegedly).

So who's the daddy?

The girl claims Alphie (the 13 year old "father") took her virginity and she hasn't had any other sex.

I know three other boys that have claimed otherwise!

Such drama.

Past Posts:
- Baby-face boy; World's Newest Dad

Phelps gets pass on pot

Congrats Michael Phelps -- eight people have been charged after you were caught in a photo smoking pot -- and somehow you managed NOT to be one of them.

Apparently, 14 gold medals keeps you outta jail.

If I were you, I'd go out and shoot someone, maybe a rival swimmer... like that guy that almost beat you in the Olympics. Kind of a Tanya Harding move. You probably wouldn't jail then either.

Then again, athletes in Columbia always seem to get a pass (see University of South Carolina). I think Steve Spurrier called Lou Holtz and they conspired to get you off.

At least the Kellogg Company has some sense and dropped you like a bad habit. Tony the Tiger would be so happy, calling the move "Grrrrrrreat!"

Past Posts:
- Phelps is pothead, 8 others charged

Just because its funny

Here's a couple videos I saw that are kinda funny. We'll call them Viral All-Stars.

David After Dentist (Remix)

Kittens, Inspired by "Kittens"

Cadbury Eyebrows

They all make me laugh. The Cadbury one makes me laugh and scares me all at the same time!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

That's some real shit right there!

Big Brother is always watching.

I think that's the lesson for today.

And in a funny twist, big brother got a helping hand from Rick on Facebook. Rick posted this (behind the scenes) video. You can hear the Director calling the shots, when suddenly the camera goes wild -- live on air.

Click the pic to watch (you probably have to have a facebook to see).

I don't know how old this video is, but it's kinda funny.

Side note -- don't think the girl (who you hear) is a b**th. She defended herself on the video comments saying she didnt know the camera operator had passed out.

Hell of a way to find out tho...